

Just an ordinary blogger from urban city bekasi who want to be exist in cyberworld during learn and know bout blog also understanding internet world so i can share, study together in ensiblogpedia. Hanya seorang blogger biasa dari kota urban Bekasi yang berkeinginan untuk bisa eksis di dunia maya sambil belajar dan mengenal blog serta memahami dunia internet untuk bisa berbagi bercerita dan belajar bersama di ensiblogpedia ini.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

It's time to English

Today I decided to make a posting by using English. Although my English is still bad, I had to learn because I have to make this blog as a business blog. Blogs that can generate a lot of money that have been done by my predecessors, who have often committed by the blog master.

But there is one thing that makes me confused, what theme should I make in this English-language writing? may be a daily story or an interesting article? Whatever it is, I still have to focus in English. So for the future, this blog will be a half-English blog. I am not a patriotic, not a traitor, too. Indonesia will always be proud.

Merdeka !!!!!!!!

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